
Lisa Barter, MN, NP-FAA can be your point of contact for all things related to primary care including:
+ Laboratory requisitions and diagnostic imaging including
ultrasound, CT and MRI
+ Referral to specialists
+ Referral for iron infusions
+ Prescriptions and prescription refills
+ New diagnoses
+ Episodic care: ie: ear infection, respiratory infection, urinary tract infection
+ Birth control counselling
+ STI testing
+ Pap exams, IUD insertion/removals
+ Prenatal assessments
+ Driver’s Medical

Nurse Practitioner
Kindly provide us with 48 hours of notice if you must cancel or reschedule your appointment.
No-shows and late cancellations will be billed for the full visit fee.
Prescription Refill Fee
Nurse Practitioner IV Therapy
+ Applicable Supply Fees ($40-110)
Medical Botox Injection Fee
Note: If you do not have an existing prescription a 30-minute appointment is required for prescription support and ensure coverage, optimal timing for your injectable and discuss pre and post care
Please book your appointment according to how many health issues and referrals you will be requiring. Appointments are available in 15 minute increments. Time spent in the clinic does not account for paperwork/referrals done outside of your appointment so kindly be cognizant of this. ​
NOTE: Nurse Practitioner primary care services are now covered by Alberta Health. Lisa Barter is currently accepting new patients who do not currently have a family doctor. You will need your Alberta Health Card to book an appointment.